Updates on the work!
The pipe is discovered to have a long break in it, which means that excavation will continue towards the railway. Work is expected to continue for a couple more weeks.
The first picture shows the replacement pipe which is about 4 metres deep. It plunges down to join the main Bristol sewer, another 4 metres down. The pipe will be covered by cement in order to prevent further failure when the weight of the overlying soil is place on top.
The red shuttering shown in the second picture was very difficult to remove due to the suction caused by the wet mud.
The third photo shows the digger at work replacing soil and stones
The temporary fencing will be left in place until the spring to help protect the grass when it begins to grow again
The replacement of the soil which was not systematically separated into top soil and subsoil, there may have been some separation, but it will be chance as to whether the soil containing flower seeds will be replaced on the top.
We shall have to wait until the spring to see how successful this has been
Pictures taken by Carole Morris