Become a member
About membership
Currently our membership stands at about 200 households.
Members receive a Newsletter four times a year.
How much is membership?
Single membership costs £10 per year.
A couple/family membership costs £20 per year.
Becoming a member is easy
Simply complete and return the Membership Form and set up payment (see below for details)
Payment Methods
The best way to make payment is via Standing Order which can be done in two ways;
1. Log on to your online banking and set up the standing order using the bank details in the Standing Order form
2. Complete the Standing Order form and give it to your bank.
If you’re unable to set up a Standing Order, you can also pay via cheque (please send cheques to the Correspondence address below), or bank transfer. Please do not send cash.
PLEAE NOTE: Standing Orders can only be set up by the person making the payment i.e you.
The Friends of Old Sneed Park Nature Reserve cannot set this up for you.
Gift Aid is a form of tax relief and allows us to claim a further 25p for every £1 you give.
Please sign and date the Gift Aid section of the Membeship form and return it to the Correspondence address below.
Important Links
1. Link to Membership form
2. Link to Standing Order form
Correspondence address: Hamish Barclay, Treasurer FOSPNR, 5 Druid Rd, Stoke Bishop, BS9 1LJ, Bristol.
Email: fospnr@gmail.com